a.m.d.g. Happy Holidays!It's been another wonderful year. If we have any regrets at all - it's that Zeezee is growing up WAY TOO FAST! Perhaps the highlight of our year was a two-week trip to Cape Cod. For the first week we rented a house on Duck Pond, and for the second week we had a house right on Nauset Beach (both areas are in Orleans). On the beach, Zeezee is in a constant state of joy and I can see Cape Cod being an annual pilgrimage. We also traveled to several Florida beaches (Miami, Key Biscayne, and Ft. Lauderdale). But EVERY TIME we went to the beach it rained! Usually it was just a drizzle, but occasionally it was a downpour! We were ready though - we had a tent and umbrellas for the beach. And, we had the beach all to ourselves! We remember one particular day when we walked around the Ft. Lauderdale boardwalk, in the pouring rain. Zeezee wasn't exactly Pollyanna and he kept looking at us (his parents) as if we were nuts - but he never whined or complained. Many parents warned us about the "terrible two's". Well, it may YET happen, but it hasn't happened so far. Zeezee is a happy, disciplined toddler who has given us nothing to gripe about. The winter weather has turned bleak (for skiers that is), making for some terrible early-season skiing. But Zeezee is ready! To get used to his equipment, we had him walk around the lawn with his skies over the summer. This winter he has a season ski pass, and expect that he will have a great time skiing. Ron will be volunteering again as a ski patroller at Killington/Pico. Thus we will happily spend many winter weekends in Vermont. For 1999, we have trips to Lake Tahoe (February) and San Antonio (June). Starting in late January, Peggy will take a year off from work. This will let her spend more time with Zeezee and take more classes for her second masters. The second masters is to fulfill the educational requirements to become a school administrator. In the fall, Xavier starts school at Emma Willard. As mentioned earlier, they grow up WAY TOO FAST. Lux In Domino, Ron, Peggy, and Xavier
Nauset Beach, Cape Cod, 1998