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2007 USTA NTRP Year-End Ratings
Eastern Section, Northern Region

2007 Year-End Ratings for USTA Eastern - Northern Region

Key to Type of Rating:
S - Self-rate or Medical Appeal
A - Appeal
B - Benchmark /advanced to playoff or championship round
C - Computer
D - Dynamic
M - Mixed Exclusive Year-end Rating
T - Tournament Exclusive Year End Rating

Automated Appeal Process:
The automated Appeal Process is replacing the Appeal Form the USTA had been using. Players can appeal their rating right on Tennis Link as long as the player enters his/her USTA Membership Number.
Go to Tennis Link -
Click on “Find a Rating”.
Choose the Top Option...”Search by Member Number”: Enter your USTA # and click on “Go”
A screen will appear that shows your rating.
At the end of that line, you can click on “Appeal Your Rating”.
Additional information will be required.
You will be notified on the next screen if your Appeal was Granted or Denied.


Womens 2007 Year-End Ratings  (pdf - 52kb)

Mens 2007 Year-End Ratings  (pdf - 44kb)


Ratings can also be viewed on the Northern Regions web site:


Comments/changes/blather to:
Site Last Updated:  Monday December 03, 2007

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